Duke Sonic Kit
The Duke Sonic has a detonation time of approximately 4,5 seconds, which offers the thrower enough time to lob the grenade into the desired area, but not enough time for the targets to escape. The Sonic Grenades are drop-safe with the safety pin and military grade pressure spring preventing any accidental detonations.
The Duke Sonic has a detonation time of approximately 4,5 seconds, which offers the thrower enough time to lob the grenade into the desired area, but not enough time for the targets to escape. The Sonic Grenades are drop-safe with the safety pin and military grade pressure spring preventing any accidental detonations.
We have put the grenades through a rigorous testing process to ensure total safety for the carrier, thrower, as well as the intended target.
The kit comes standard with a fully re-usable core inside a pre-packed plastic shell. Just pull the pin, thump the depressible head and throw it in the direction of the intended target. Once the Grenade has been used, pick up the spent parts, wash off any debris and leave to dry. The core is now ready to be re-used.FEATURES
- CO2 Powered
- Non-Flammable
- Instant Pepper Spray Release
- Self-Defense Against Assailants
- Reusable Mechanism - Up to 50 Times
- Safe to Use Indoors and For Training
- Safety Pin For Prevention of Accidental Rupture
- Dispersion Radius 5 m
- Detonation Time 4.5 sec
- Loudness 110 dB